
Section deb30/interpreters

Package Description
aleph-dev The Aleph programming language - development
aleph The Aleph programming language - runtime
bigloo-runtime-2.4b Run-time libraries for Bigloo-generated programs
bigloo A practical Scheme compiler
bwbasic Bywater BASIC Interpreter
chicken A simple Scheme-to-C compiler
chpp A powerful and simple preprocessor
clif C language interpreter
clips-common CLIPS common files
clips C Language Integrated Production System
clisp GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
cpp-2.95 The GNU C preprocessor.
cpp-3.0 The GNU C preprocessor.
cpp The GNU C preprocessor.
drb distributed ruby
elza Script language for automating HTTP requests
entity-c XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (C bindings)
entity-gl XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (OpenGL bindings)
entity-javascript XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (JavaScript bindings)
entity-python XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (Python bindings)
entity-tcl XML-based GUI builder for GTK+ (TCL bindings)
entity XML-based GUI builder for GTK+
erb Tiny eRuby
eruby Embedded Ruby Language
expect A program that talks to other programs.
expect5.24 Dummy upgrade package for expect
expect5.31 Dummy upgrade package for expect
expectk A Tk/X11 version of the expect program.
expectk5.24 Dummy upgrade package for expectk
expectk5.31 Dummy upgrade package for expectk
ferite Ferite programming language
gadfly SQL database and parser generator in Python
gawk GNU awk, a pattern scanning and processing language
gb Gnome Basic - VB compatible Basic for GNOME
gcl GNU Common Lisp compiler.
gforth GNU Forth Language Environment
glade-perl Convert Glade-Interface XML into perl code
gnue-common The shared library for many items of the GNU Enterprise Framework
goops Guile interpreter linked with GOOPS.
guile-common Common files for all guile versions.
guile1.4 The GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter.
hugs A Haskell 98 interpreter
intercal ick - Compiler for the Intercal language
ipchains-perl Perl interface to ipchains
irb The Interactive Ruby.
jaxml Python module for generating XML documents
jython Python seamlessly integrated with Java
kaffe A JVM to run Java bytecode
kforth Small Forth Interpreter Written in C++
kissme-classpath Free java class libraries (specific to kissme JVM)
kissme A free Java Virtual Machine
libacme-poe-knee-perl Time sliced pony race using the POE kernel.
libalgorithm-diff-perl a perl library for finding Longest Common Sequences in text
libalias-perl Access perl variables through aliases
libamstd-ruby AMbitious STanDard library for Ruby
libapache-asp-perl perl Apache
libapache-auth-ldap LDAP authentication module for Apache
libapache-authnetldap-perl LDAP authentication for Apache+mod_perl
libapache-authznetldap-perl LDAP access control for Apache+mod_perl
libapache-configfile-perl Parse an Apache style httpd.conf configuration file
libapache-db-perl Run the interactive Perl debugger under mod_perl
libapache-dbi-perl Connect apache server to database via perl's DBI
libapache-dbilogconfig-perl Apache
libapache-dbilogger-perl Tracks what's being transferred in a DBI database
libapache-mod-python An Apache module that embeds Python within the server.
libapache-reload-perl Reload changed modules in a mod_perl environment
libapache-request-perl Generic Apache Request Library
libapache-session-perl Perl modules for keeping persistent user data across http requests.
libapache-stage-perl Manage A Staging Directory
libappconfig-perl Perl module for configuration file and command line parsing
libapt-pkg-perl Perl interface to libapt-pkg
libarchive-tar-perl module for manipulation of tar archives.
libarchive-zip-perl Module for manipulation of ZIP archives
libarray-printcols-perl Print or format array elements in vertically sorted columns
libauthen-pam-perl This module provides a Perl interface to the PAM library.
libauthen-radius-perl user authentication against radius
libauthen-sasl-cyrus-perl Perl extension for Cyrus SASL library
libberkeleydb-perl Use Berkeley DB 3 databases from Perl
libboulder-perl Perl module for hierarchical tag/value structures
libbsd-resource-perl perl BSD
libbsearch-ruby a binary search library for Ruby
libbusiness-creditcard-perl Validate/generate credit card checksums/names
libbusiness-onlinepayment-bankofamerica-perl Bank of America backend for Business
libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl Perl extension for online payment processing
libbusiness-ups-perl A Perl interface to the UPS shipping costs web-site
libc-scan-perl scan C language files for easily recognized constructs.
libcache-cache-perl Managed caches of persistent information
libcarp-datum-perl Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module (for perl)
libcdb-file-perl Perl interface to Dan Berstein's cdb package.
libcdk-perl Curses Development Kit for Perl
libcflow-perl Perl module for analyzing raw flow files written by cflowd
libcgi-application-perl Framework for building reusable web-applications
libcgi-extratags-perl Useful Extensions for the CGI Module
libcgi-fast-perl CGI
libcgi-fasttemplate-perl perl module providing easy templates for cgi scripts
libcgi-formalware-perl Perl module for converting an XML file into a suite of CGI forms
libcgi-xml-perl Perl module for converting CGI variables from/to XML
libcgi-xmlapplication-perl Perl module for creating XML-DOM and OO based CGI scripts
libcgi-xmlform-perl Perl module for reading/generating formatted XML
libchart-perl Chart Library for PERL
libchatbot-eliza-perl Eliza chat bot interface module for Perl
libclass-autouse-perl Defer loading ( 'use'ing ) of a class until run time
libclass-methodmaker-perl A module for creating generic methods
libclass-multimethods-perl Support multimethods and subroutine overloading in Perl
libconfhelper-perl Library for editing configuration files
libconfig-ini-perl Perl module to access MS-Windows style .ini files
libconfig-inifiles-perl A module for reading .ini-style configuration files.
libconfigreader-perl Perl module for reading config files
libconvert-asn1-perl Replacement for Convert
libconvert-ber-perl Perl implementation of Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
libconvert-tnef-perl Perl module to read TNEF files
libconvert-units-perl Perl module for performing unit conversions
libconvert-uulib-perl Perl interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. uudeview/uuenview).
libcorba-orbit-perl ORBit module for Perl
libcoy-perl Replace perl error messages with haiku
libcrypt-ciphersaber-perl Perl module implementing CipherSaber encryption
libcurl-easy-perl perl interface to libcurl
libcurses-ruby Curses interface for Ruby
libcurses-widgets-perl Curses widget interface for Perl
libdata-flow-perl Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
libdata-showtable-perl Print arrays of data in a formatted listing
libdate-calc-perl Perl library for accessing dates
libdate-manip-perl a perl library for manipulating dates
libdb-ruby An interface to Berkeley DB for Ruby
libdb3-tcl Berkeley v3 Database Libraries for TCL [module]
libdbd-csv-perl perl DBD
libdbd-excel-perl Perl5 module for Excel file access with SQL via DBI
libdbd-mysql-perl mySQL database interface for Perl
libdbd-odbc-perl Perl5 module for an ODBC driver for DBI
libdbd-pg-perl a PostgreSQL interface for Perl 5 using DBI.
libdbd-ram-perl Perl DBI driver for files and data structures
libdbd-sybase-perl Sybase/MS SQL database driver for the DBI module
libdbi-perl The Perl5 Database Interface by Tim Bunce
libdbix-cgi-perl CGI Extension for libdbix-easy-perl
libdbix-datasource-perl Database-independent create and drop functions
libdbix-dbschema-perl Database-independent schema objects
libdbix-easy-perl Easy to Use DBI Interface
libdbix-password-perl Perl module for creating a global password file for DB passwords
libdbix-profile-perl DBI query profiler
libdbix-recordset-perl Perl extension for DBI recordsets
libdbix-searchbuilder-perl Perl extension for easy SQL SELECT Statement generation
libdbix-xml-rdb-perl Perl module for creating XML from a DBI datasource
libdbix-xmlmessage-perl Perl module for exchanging XML messages between DBI data sources
libdbm-ruby DBM interface for Ruby
libdebconf-client-ruby uses debconf from Ruby
libdevel-symdump-perl Perl module for inspecting perl's symbol table
libdevice-serialport-perl Perl module for interacting with serial ports.
libdigest-hmac-perl create standard message integrity checks
libdigest-md2-perl MD2 Message Digest for Perl
libdigest-md4-perl MD4 Message Digest for Perl
libdigest-md5-perl MD5 Message Digest for Perl
libdigest-perl generic interface to message digest modules
libdigest-sha1-perl NIST SHA-1 message digest algorithm
libeb-ruby EB library interface for the Ruby
libemail-valid-perl Check validity of Internet email addresses
liberror-perl Exception module for Perl
libexpect-perl Expect.pm - Perl Expect interface
libextutils-f77-perl Simple interface to F77 libs
libfcgi-perl FastCGI Perl module
libfile-cache-perl File
libfile-counterfile-perl Persistent counter class for Perl
libfile-mmagic-perl Perl module to guess file type.
libfile-slurp-perl single call read & write file routines
libfile-sync-perl Perl interface to sync() and fsync()
libfile-tail-perl File
libfilesys-diskspace-perl fetch filesystem size and usage information from Perl
libfilter-perl Perl source filters
libfinance-quote-perl Perl module for retrieving stock quotes from a variety of sources
libfinance-streamer-perl Perl5 module with interface to Datek Streamer
libfinance-yahooquote-perl Perl module for retrieving stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
libfreedb-perl Library to handle cddb calls
libfreezethaw-perl converting Perl structures to strings and back.
libfrontier-rpc-perl Perl module to implement RPC calls using XML requests
libft-perl Perl module for the FreeType library
libgdbm-ruby GDBM interface for Ruby
libgdk-imlib-ruby Gtk+ and gdkimlib interface for scripting language Ruby
libgdk-pixbuf-ruby Gtk+ and gdkpixbuf interface for scripting language Ruby
libgeo-metar-perl Geo
libgetargs-long-perl Perl module to parse long function arguments
libgetopt-argfile-perl Perl module for reading script options and parameters from files
libgetopt-declare-perl Getopt
libgetopt-mixed-perl Perl module for processing options in GNU-style (= long and short)
libglade-perl Glade-perl runtime modules
libglade-ruby Libglade wrapper for scripting language Ruby
libgladexml-perl Perl module for the libglade library.
libgnome-applet-perl Perl module for the gnome panel applet library.
libgnome-gnorba-perl Gnorba module for Perl
libgnome-perl Perl module for the gnome and zvt libraries.
libgnome-print-perl Perl module for the gnome print library.
libgnome-ruby Gnome interface for scripting language Ruby
libgnupg-interface-perl Perl interface to GnuPG
libgtk-imlib-perl Perl module for the gdkimlib library.
libgtk-perl Perl module for the gtk+ library
libgtk-pixbuf-perl Perl module for the gdkpixbuf library.
libgtk-ruby Gtk+ interface for scripting language Ruby
libgtkglarea-perl Perl module for the gtkglarea library.
libgtkxmhtml-perl Perl module for the libgtkxmhtml library.
libhtml-format-perl Format HTML syntax trees
libhtml-mason-perl HTML
libhtml-munger-perl Module which simplifies the creation of web filters.
libhtml-parser-perl A collection of modules that parse HTML text documents.
libhtml-parser-ruby HTML parser library for Ruby
libhtml-simpleparse-perl perl HTML
libhtml-table-perl Perl module for creating HTML tables
libhtml-tableextract-perl Perl module that simplifies extraction of information from HTML
libhtml-tagset-perl Data tables pertaining to HTML
libhtml-template-perl HTML
libhtml-tree-perl represent and create HTML syntax trees
libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl Perl extension for selectable HTML layers
libhttp-browserdetect-perl Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
libhttp-ghttp-perl Perl module for using the Gnome ghttp library
libi18n-charset-perl Perl module for mapping character set names to IANA names
libi18n-langtags-perl Perl module for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
libiconv-ruby A Wrapper class of iconv for the Ruby
libimage-info-perl allows extraction of meta information from various types of image files
libimage-size-perl Tools for finding the size of an image under Perl
libimap-admin-perl Administer IMAP servers
libiniconf-perl perl IniConf - a module for reading .ini-style configuration files.
libinline-octave-perl Perl5 module to Inline GNU Octave code
libinline-perl Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
libintl-gettext-ruby A simple wrapper of GNU gettext for ruby.
libio-lockedfile-perl Perl module that acts like IO
libio-pty-perl Perl module for pseudo tty IO
libio-socket-ssl-perl Class implementing an object oriented interface to SSL sockets.
libio-string-perl Emulate IO
libio-stringy-perl Perl5 modules for IO from scalars and arrays
libio-stty-perl Interface to secure pseudo ttys
libipc-shareable-perl Access IPC shared memory segments through perl.
libipc-sharelite-perl Perl module that provides a simple interface to shared memory
libipc-signal-perl utility functions dealing with signals for Perl
libjcode-perl Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
libjcode-pm-perl Perl extension interface to convert Japanese text
libldap-ruby Ruby/LDAP module providing an interface to OpenLDAP library
liblingua-en-words2nums-perl convert English text to numbers
liblingua-ispell-perl Perl module encapsulating access to the ispell program
liblingua-romkan-perl Romaji Kana conversion for perl
liblocale-codes-perl Perl modules for processing various ISO locale codes
liblocale-gettext-perl Using libc functions for internationalization in Perl
liblocale-maketext-perl Perl module for supporting l10n and inheritance-based lexicons
liblockdev1-perl perl extension library for locking devices.
liblog-agent-perl provides Log
liblog-agent-rotate-perl provides Log
liblog-dispatch-perl Dispatches messages to multiple Log
liblog-loglite-perl Perl module that facilitates lightweight logging.
liblogfile-rotate-perl Perl module to rotate logfiles.
libmail-audit-perl Perl library for creating easy mail filters
libmail-box-perl Manage a message-folder
libmail-bulkmail-perl Platform independent mailing list module
libmail-imapclient-perl a perl library for manipulating IMAP mail stores
libmail-pop3client-perl POP3 client module for perl
libmail-sendmail-perl Send email from a perl script
libmath-basecalc-perl Convert numbers between various bases
libmath-bigint-perl Perl5 module for math. operation on numbers of arbitrary size
libmath-numbercruncher-perl Perl5 module with commonly needed Maths and Stats functions
libmath-round-perl Perl extension for rounding numbers
libmd5-perl backwards-compatible wrapper for Digest
libmime-lite-perl Perl5 module for convenient generation of MIME messages
libmime-types-perl Perl extension for determining MIME types and Transfer Encoding
libmldbm-perl MLDBM perl module
libmldbm-sync-perl Perl module for safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
libmon-perl mon Perl modules for clients and server
libmp3-info-perl Perl MP3
libmsgcat-perl Locale
libmutexm-ruby yet another mutex library for Ruby
libmysql-ruby mysql module for Ruby
libnet-acl-ruby Simple Access Control Class for Ruby
libnet-daemon-perl Perl module for building portable Perl daemons easily.
libnet-dns-perl Net
libnet-finger-perl Perl Module providing an API for Finger queries
libnet-ftpserver-perl A secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server
libnet-hotline-perl Hotline interface module for Perl
libnet-ident-perl lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection
libnet-ipnetmember-perl Perl5 module to check membership in IP networks
libnet-irc-perl IRC (Internet Relay Chat) interface module for Perl
libnet-irc-ruby a Ruby library for IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
libnet-jabber-perl Perl modules for accessing the Jabber protocol
libnet-ldap-perl A Client interface to LDAP servers.
libnet-netmask-perl parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
libnet-patricia-perl Perl module for fast IP address lookups
libnet-ph-perl Perl module for accessing ph servers
libnet-rawip-perl Perl interface to lowlevel TCP/IP
libnet-snmp-perl Script SNMP connections
libnet-snpp-perl Perl module for accessing SNPP servers
libnet-ssleay-perl Perl module for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
libnet-telnet-perl Script telnetable connections
libnet-tftp-perl Perl module for accessing TFTP servers
libnet-whois-perl Perl Module providing an API to access InterNIC whois database
libnet-whois-raw-perl Perl Module providing an API to access whois database
libnetaddr-ip-perl Manipulate IP Addresses easily
libnetserver-generic-perl A perl module for developing internet servers in perl.
libnetwork-ipv4addr-perl The Net
libnews-newsrc-perl Manage newsrc files
libnews-nntpclient-perl News
libnewt-perl Perl bindings for Erik Troan's newt text-mode windowing toolkit
libnkf-perl Network Kanji code conversion Filter for Perl
libnkf-ruby Network Kanji code conversion Filter for Ruby
libobject-realize-later-perl Delayed creation of objects
libole-storage-lite-perl Perl5 module with Simple Class for OLE document interface.
libopengl-perl Perl module to display 3D data using OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, and GLX
liboptparse-ruby A command line option parser class for Ruby.
libpanel-applet-ruby Interface of Gnome Panel applet for Ruby
libparams-validate-perl Validate parameters to Perl method/function calls
libparse-recdescent-perl Generates recursive-descent parsers in Perl
libparse-syslog-perl Perl module for parsing syslog entries
libparse-yapp-perl Perl module for creating fully reentrant LALR parser OO Perl modules
libpcap-ruby libpcap interface for scripting language Ruby.
libpcsc-perl Perl interface to the PC/SC smart card library
libplrpc-perl Perl extensions for writing PlRPC servers and clients
libpod-pom-perl Perl module of POD Object Model
libpoe-component-client-dns-perl a DNS client component for POE
libpoe-component-client-http-perl a HTTP user-agent component
libpoe-component-irc-perl a fully event-driven IRC client module.
libpoe-component-jobqueue-perl POE component to manage queues and worker pools
libpoe-perl An event driven component architecture.
libproc-process-perl Perl library for accessing process table information
libproc-syncexec-perl spawn processes but report exec() errors properly
libproc-waitstat-perl interpret and act on wait() status values
libprogressbar-ruby A Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
libprpc-perl Perl extensions for writing pRPC servers and clients
libpsp-html-parser-perl Version of HTML
libpsp-parser-perl Libraries for psp-parser
libpsp-perl Runtime libraries for Perl Server Pages
libpty-ruby pseudo tty interface for Ruby
libquantum-entanglement-perl Quantum Mechanic entanglement of variables in perl
libquantum-superpositions-perl Quantum Mechanic-like superpositions for Perl
libquota-perl Perl interface to file system quotas
libreadline-ruby Readline interface for Ruby
librexml-ruby pure Ruby non-validating XML parser supporting Namespaces, XPath
libroman-perl Perl module for converting between Roman and Arabic numerals
libromana-perligata-perl write Perl programs in Latin.
libromkan-ruby a Romaji <-> Kana conversion library for Ruby
librtf-document-perl Perl extension for generating Rich Text (RTF) Files
libsafe-hole-perl Perl module which makes a hole in the Safe compartment
libscalar-list-utils-perl A selection of general-utility list subroutines
libschedule-cron-perl Simple but complete cron like scheduler.
libsdbm-ruby SDBM interface for Ruby
libsdl-perl SDL bindings for the Perl language.
libsdl-ruby Ruby/SDL is the Ruby extension library to use SDL
libset-intspan-perl Manages sets of integers
libset-object-perl Collection of objects without duplications
libshadow-ruby Interface of shadow password for the scripting language ruby.
libsnmp-perl NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Perl5 Support.
libsnmp-session-perl Perl support for accessing SNMP-aware devices
libsoap-lite-perl Perl5 modules for client and server side SOAP implementation
libsoap-perl SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in perl
libsocket6-perl Perl extensions for IPv6
libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl Perl5 module to access Excel Spreadsheets.
libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl Perl5 module to create Excel spreadsheets.
libsql-statement-perl perl SQL
libsqlite0-tcl SQLite development files
libstatistics-descriptive-perl Perl5 module of basic descriptive statistical functions.
libstorable-perl Storable extension for Perl5
libstring-approx-perl Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)
libstring-escape-perl Perl module that provides conversion functions for escaped strings
libstring-shellquote-perl quote strings for passing through the shell
libstrscan-ruby Fast string scanning library for Ruby.
libsufary-perl Perl module for SUFARY.
libsufary-ruby Ruby module for SUFARY.
libswf-perl Ming (SWF) module for Perl
libswig1.1 Runtime support libraries for swig generated wrappers
libsys-cpuload-perl module which retrieves load average of a machine
libsys-utmp-perl perl module to query UTMP files.
libsyslog-ruby UNIX syslog(3) interface for Ruby
libtangram-perl Orthogonal Object Persistence in Relational Databases
libtcltk-ruby Tk interface for Ruby
libtemplate-perl template processing system written in perl
libterm-query-perl Subroutines that handle simple tty-based UI
libterm-readkey-perl A perl module for simple terminal control
libterm-readline-gnu-perl Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
libterm-readline-perl-perl Perl implementation of Readline libraries
libterm-shell-perl Term
libterm-slang-perl Perl interface to the S-Lang terminal library
libtest-cmd-perl perl module to providers testing framework
libtest-simple-perl Perl modules for writing tests
libtest-unit-perl a unit testing interface for Perl
libtext-autoformat-perl Perl module for automatic and manual text wrapping and reformating
libtext-csv-perl perl Text
libtext-format-perl Perl module for formatting (text) paragraphs
libtext-kakasi-perl KAKASI interface for scripting language Perl.
libtext-query-perl Text
libtext-querysql-perl Text-Query-SQL provides query builders for SQL databases
libtext-template-perl Text
libtext-unaccent-perl provides functions to remove accents using UTF16 as a pivot.
libtext-wrapper-perl Simple word wrapping routine
libtie-cache-perl perl Tie
libtie-ixhash-perl ordered associative arrays for Perl
libtime-duration-perl Time
libtime-period-perl Perl library for testing if a time() is in a specific period
libtimedate-perl Time and date functions for perl.
libtk-ruby Tk interface for Ruby
libtmail-ruby mail class library for Ruby
libtree-redblack-perl Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a balanced tree.
libuconv-ruby Encoding translation module for Ruby supported Unicode and EUC-JP
libunicode-map-perl Perl module for mapping charsets from and to utf16 unicode
libunicode-map8-perl Perl module to map 8bit character sets to Unicode
libunicode-maputf8-perl Perl module for conversing between any character sets and UTF8
libunicode-string-perl Perl modules for Unicode strings
libunix-syslog-perl Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
liburi-perl Manipulates and accesses URI strings
libweakref-perl perl module to create weak references
libwhisker-perl Perl module geared for HTTP testing
libwrap-ruby TCP wrappers library for Ruby
libwww-perl WWW client/server library for Perl
libwxgtk2.2-python wxWindows Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding)
libxbase-perl Perl module to access xbase files (optionally through DBI).
libxml-catalog-perl Perl module for resolving public and system identifiers
libxml-checker-perl Perl module for validating XML
libxml-csv-perl Perl module for transforming CSV documents into XML
libxml-dom-perl Perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant doc structures
libxml-dumper-perl Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
libxml-encoding-perl Perl module for parsing encoding map XML files
libxml-filter-detectws-perl Perl module for detecting ignorable whitespace
libxml-filter-reindent-perl Perl module for reformatting whitespace for pretty printing XML
libxml-filter-saxt-perl Perl module for replicating events to several event handlers
libxml-filter-xslt-perl Perl module for XSLT as a SAX Filter
libxml-generator-perl Perl module for generating XML files
libxml-grove-perl Perl module for accessing parsed *ML instances
libxml-handler-composer-perl Perl module for generating XML output
libxml-handler-printevents-perl Perl module for printing PerlSAX events (for debugging)
libxml-handler-trees-perl Perl module for building tree structures using PerlSAX handlers
libxml-handler-yawriter-perl Perl module for writing XML documents
libxml-libxml-perl Perl module for using the Gnome libxml2 library
libxml-libxslt-perl Perl module for using the Gnome libxslt library
libxml-namespacesupport-perl Perl module for supporting simple generic namespaces
libxml-node-perl Perl module for parsing XML files node based
libxml-parser-perl Perl module for parsing XML files
libxml-parser-ruby The interface of expat for the scripting language Ruby.
libxml-perl Perl modules for working with XML
libxml-regexp-perl Perl module for regular expressions for XML tokens
libxml-rss-perl Perl module for managing RSS (RDF Site Summary) files
libxml-sablot-perl encapsulation of the Sablotron XSL processor
libxml-sax-expat-perl Perl module for a SAX2 driver for Expat (XML
libxml-sax-perl Perl module for using and building Perl SAX2 XML processors
libxml-sax-simple-perl Perl module for a SAX version of XML
libxml-sax-writer-perl Perl module for a SAX2 XML writer
libxml-simple-perl Perl module for reading ands writing XML
libxml-stream-perl Perl module for accessing XML Streams
libxml-twig-perl Perl module for processing huge XML documents in tree mode
libxml-um-perl Perl module for converting UTF-8 strings
libxml-writer-perl Perl module for writing XML documents
libxml-xerces-perl Perl API to Xerces XML parser
libxml-xpath-perl Perl module for processing XPath
libxml-xql-perl Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
libxml-xslt-perl Perl module for processing XSLT
libxmms-perl Interactive remote control for XMMS (X MultiMedia System) in perl
libxtm-perl Perl module for reading/writing Topic Maps
libzlib-ruby An extension library to use zlib from Ruby
lua40 Small embeddable language with Pascal like syntax
m4 a macro processing language
mail-audit-tools Programs derived from the Mail
marlais An interpreter for a Dylan-like language
nase-a60 An Algol-60 interpreter
newt-tcl A newt module for Tcl.
ngs-js The NGS JavaScript interpreter
nqxml pure Ruby implementation of a non-validating XML processor
obliq An interactive interpreter for the Obliq language.
original-awk The original awk described in The AWK Programming Language
perl-debug Debug-enabled Perl interpreter.
perl-modules Core Perl modules.
perl-suid Runs setuid Perl scripts.
perl-tk Perl module providing the Tk graphics library.
perl Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language.
perlmagick A perl interface to the libMagick graphics routines.
pexts-admintools Pike AdminTools module
pexts-bzip2 Pike bzip2 module
pexts-curses Pike (N)Curses module
pexts-mhash Pike Mhash module
pexts-newt Pike Newt module
pexts-openldap Pike OpenLDAP module
pexts-pcre Pike PCRE module
pfe Portable Forth Environment, ANS standard, all wordsets.
pforth portable Forth interpreter
pike-gdbm Gdbm module for Pike
pike-gmp Gmp module for Pike
pike-gz Gz module for Pike
pike-image Image module for Pike
pike-mysql Mysql module for Pike
pike-perl Perl module for Pike
pike-pg Postgres module for Pike
pike Powerful interpreted programming language
pike7-gdbm Gdbm module for Pike
pike7-gl Mesa module for Pike
pike7-gtk GTK module for Pike
pike7-gz Gz module for Pike
pike7-image Image module for Pike
pike7-lobotomized-crypto Lobotomized crypto module for Pike
pike7-mysql Mysql module for Pike
pike7-sybase Sybase module for Pike
pike7.2-gdbm Gdbm module for Pike
pike7.2-gl Mesa module for Pike
pike7.2-gtk GTK module for Pike
pike7.2-gz Gz module for Pike
pike7.2-image Image module for Pike
pike7.2-lobotomized-crypto Lobotomized crypto module for Pike
pike7.2-mysql Mysql module for Pike
pike7.2-odbc Odbc module for Pike
pike7.2-sane SANE module for Pike
pike7.2-sybase Sybase module for Pike
pike7.2 Powerful interpreted programming language
pike7 Powerful interpreted programming language
pygame SDL bindings for games development in Python
python-4suite FourThought XML Processing Tools for Python [dummy package]
python-bsddb3 Python interface to libdb3
python-cddb Python interface to CD-IDs and FreeDB
python-davlib WebDAV client library for Python
python-dev Header files and a static library for Python (default)
python-dns pydns - DNS client module for Python
python-doc Documentation for the scripting language Python.
python-ecasound python binding files for ecasound
python-egenix-mxdatetime Date and time handling routines for Python [dummy package]
python-egenix-mxproxy A generic proxy wrapper type for Python [dummy package]
python-egenix-mxqueue A fast and memory-efficient queue for Python [dummy package]
python-egenix-mxstack A fast and memory-efficient stack for Python [dummy package]
python-egenix-mxtexttools Fast text manipulation tools for Python [dummy package]
python-egenix-mxtools A collection of new builtins for Python [dummy package]
python-elisp Emacs-lisp python-mode for the Python language (default version)
python-examples Examples for the scripting language Python (default version)
python-expect Python module to provide the functionality of Tcl's expect
python-extclass Improves integration between Python and C++ classes
python-gdbm GNU dbm database support for Python (default version)
python-gdk-imlib GTK gdk_imlib support module for Python.
python-gendoc Documentation generation from Python source files.
python-glade Put a bit of python code behind interfaces built with GLADE.
python-gnome PyGNOME -- Python bindings for GNOME.
python-gtk GTK support module for Python.
python-gtkglarea Python wrapper for the gtkglarea OpenGL area widget
python-happydoc Python Documentation Extraction Tool
python-id3 Python module for id3-tags manipulation
python-japanese-codecs Japanese Codecs for Python
python-kjbuckets Set and graph data types for Python [dummy package]
python-ming Ming (SWF) module for Python
python-mpz Multiple-precision arithmetic support for Python (default version)
python-mysqldb A Python interface for MySQL
python-newt A newt module for Python.
python-numeric-ext Extension modules for Numeric Python
python-opengl Python binding to OpenGL
python-optik advanced command-line parsing library for Python
python-orbit-dev Python bindings for ORBit - development files
python-orbit Python bindings for ORBit
python-parted Python bindings for GNU Parted
python-pmw Pmw -- Python MegaWidgets
python-pqueue a priority queue extension for Python
python-psycopg Python module for PostgreSQL [dummy package]
python-pyao A Python interface to the Audio Output library
python-pyogg A Python interface to the Ogg library
python-pyqt Qt bindings for Python
python-pyvorbis A Python interface to the Ogg Vorbis library
python-slang Python bindings for S-LANG
python-tal Template Attribute Language
python-tk Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (default version)
python-tmda TMDA Python libraries
python-uncertainities python module for working with uncertain numbers
python-unit PyUnit -- Unit test framework for Python [dummy package]
python-utmp python module for working with utmp
python-xml XML tools for Python [dummy package]
python-xmlbase XML support included in Python (default version)
python-xmlrpc Implementation of the XML-RPC protocol for Python
python An interactive object-oriented scripting language (default version)
python1.5-dev Header files and a static library for Python (v1.5)
python1.5-distutils A standard suite of Module Distribution Utilities for Python
python1.5-doc-info Documentation for the scripting language Python (info format).
python1.5-doc Documentation for the scripting language Python (html format).
python1.5-egenix-mxdatetime Date and time handling routines for Python 1.5
python1.5-egenix-mxproxy A generic proxy wrapper type for Python 1.5
python1.5-egenix-mxqueue A fast and memory-efficient queue for Python 1.5
python1.5-egenix-mxstack A fast and memory-efficient stack for Python 1.5
python1.5-egenix-mxtexttools Fast text manipulation tools for Python 1.5
python1.5-egenix-mxtools A collection of new builtins for Python 1.5
python1.5-examples Examples for the scripting language Python (v1.5)
python1.5-gdbm GNU dbm database support for Python (v1.5)
python1.5-mpz Multiple-precision arithmetic support for Python (v1.5)
python1.5-orbit Python 1.5 bindings for ORBit
python1.5-psycopg Python 1.x module for PostgreSQL
python1.5-tk Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (v1.5)
python1.5 An interactive object-oriented scripting language (version 1.5)
python2.1-4suite FourThought XML Processing Tools for Python (2.1.x)
python2.1-dev Header files and a static library for Python (v2.1)
python2.1-doc Documentation for the scripting language Python.
python2.1-egenix-mxdatetime Date and time handling routines for Python 2.1
python2.1-egenix-mxproxy A generic proxy wrapper type for Python 2.1
python2.1-egenix-mxqueue A fast and memory-efficient queue for Python 2.1
python2.1-egenix-mxstack A fast and memory-efficient stack for Python 2.1
python2.1-egenix-mxtexttools Fast text manipulation tools for Python 2.1
python2.1-egenix-mxtools A collection of new builtins for Python 2.1
python2.1-elisp Emacs-lisp python-mode for the scripting language Python (v2.1)
python2.1-examples Examples for the scripting language Python (v2.1)
python2.1-expect Python module to provide the functionality of Tcl's expect
python2.1-gdbm GNU dbm database support for Python (v2.1)
python2.1-kjbuckets Set and graph data types for Python 2.1
python2.1-libplot Python wrapper for GNU libplot
python2.1-mpz Multiple-precision arithmetic support for Python (v2.1)
python2.1-mysqldb A Python interface for MySQL
python2.1-numeric-ext Extension modules for Numeric Python
python2.1-numeric Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Python
python2.1-optik advanced command-line parsing library for Python 2.1
python2.1-orbit Python 2.1 bindings for ORBit
python2.1-psycopg Python 2.1 module for PostgreSQL
python2.1-tal Template Attribute Language
python2.1-tk Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (v2.1)
python2.1-unit PyUnit -- Unit test framework for Python (2.1.x)
python2.1-xml XML tools for Python (2.1.x)
python2.1-xmlbase XML support included in Python (v2.1)
python2.1 An interactive object-oriented scripting language (version 2.1)
python2.2-dev Header files and a static library for Python (v2.2)
python2.2-doc Documentation for the scripting language Python.
python2.2-egenix-mxdatetime Date and time handling routines for Python 2.2
python2.2-egenix-mxproxy A generic proxy wrapper type for Python 2.2
python2.2-egenix-mxqueue A fast and memory-efficient queue for Python 2.2
python2.2-egenix-mxstack A fast and memory-efficient stack for Python 2.2
python2.2-egenix-mxtexttools Fast text manipulation tools for Python 2.2
python2.2-egenix-mxtools A collection of new builtins for Python 2.2
python2.2-elisp Emacs-lisp python-mode for the scripting language Python (v2.2)
python2.2-examples Examples for the scripting language Python (v2.2)
python2.2-gdbm GNU dbm database support for Python (v2.2)
python2.2-kjbuckets Set and graph data types for Python 2.2
python2.2-ming Ming (SWF) module for Python 2.2
python2.2-mpz Multiple-precision arithmetic support for Python (v2.2)
python2.2-mysqldb A Python interface for MySQL
python2.2-numeric-ext Extension modules for Numeric Python
python2.2-numeric Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Python
python2.2-optik advanced command-line parsing library for Python 2.2
python2.2-orbit Python 2.2 bindings for ORBit
python2.2-psycopg Python 2.2 module for PostgreSQL
python2.2-tk Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (v2.2)
python2.2-unit PyUnit -- Unit test framework for Python (2.2.x)
python2.2-xml XML tools for Python (2.2.x)
python2.2-xmlbase XML support included in Python (v2.2)
python2.2 An interactive object-oriented scripting language (version 2.2)
quantlib-python Python bindings for the Quantlib Quantitative Finance library
quantlib-ruby Ruby bindings for the Quantlib Quantitative Finance library
racc-runtime Runtime library for parser which is generated by Racc.
regina-rexx The Regina REXX interpreter.
rep-doc documentation for the librep lisp interpreter
rep-gtk-gnome GTK binding for librep with gnome support
rep-gtk GTK binding for librep
rep-xmms rep language bindings for XMMS
rep lisp command interpreter frontends to librep
ri-cs-el an emacs interface for ri
ri-db-el an emacs interface for ri
ri Ruby Interactive reference
ruby-elisp Emacs-lisp ruby-mode for Ruby
ruby-eserver Generic multi-threaded e-service server in Ruby
ruby-examples Examples for Ruby
ruby-manual Manual for the scripting language Ruby.
ruby An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
rubymagick Ruby interface for ImageMagick
rubyunit Simple testing framework for Ruby
spamassassin Perl-based spam filter using text analysis
speedy-cgi-perl speed up perl scripts by making them persistent.
swi-prolog-clib Interface to system library for SWI Prolog.
swi-prolog-sgml SGML/XML/HTML parser for SWI Prolog.
swi-prolog-table Managing external tables for SWI Prolog.
swi-prolog-xpce GUI library for SWI Prolog.
swi-prolog Prolog interpreter.
swig-doc Documentation files for SWIG
swig-examples Examples for applications of SWIG.
swig Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code.
swig1.3-examples Examples for applications of SWIG.
swig1.3 Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code.
tclcurl Tcl interface to libcurl
tclex A lexical analyzer generator for Tcl
tclexpat Tcl interface to expat XML parser.
tcllib The Standard Tcl Library
tclx8.0.4 Extended Tcl (TclX) version 8.0.4 -- runtime package
tktable-dev Development files for tkTable
tktable Table extension for Tcl/Tk
vtk-tcl Tcl bindings for VTK.
webrick Simple HTTP Server Toolkit for Ruby
xbel-utils XML Bookmark Exchange Language Utilities
xbel XML Bookmark Exchange Language
xclips Graphic interface to the C Language Integrated Production System
xmlrpc4r XML-RPC support for Ruby
yabasic Yet Another BASIC interpreter
yforth A small freeware Forth environment in ANSI C.
zope-psycopgda Zope Database Adapter based on python-psycopg
All packages