
Section deb30/science

Package Description
achilles An artificial life and evolution simulator
biomode [Biology] An Emacs mode to edit genetic data
bioperl [Biology] Perl tools for computational molecular biology
blast2 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
celestia A real-time visual space simulation
chemtool GTK-based chemical structures drawing program
drawmap draws customized maps, using raw USGS data files
dstooltk dynamical systems investigation (Tk version)
dx-dev OpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) - development files
dx-doc OpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) - documentation
dx OpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) - main package
ent A pseudorandom number sequence test program
fastdnaml [Biology] A tool for construction of phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences
fastlink [Biology] A faster version of pedigree programs of Linkage
felt-doc FElt User's Guide and Reference Manual.
felt Package for introductory level finite element analysis.
fv a tool for viewing and editing FITS format files
g3data extract data from scanned graphs
garlic [Chemistry] a free molecular visualization program
gdis molecular display
genesis General-purpose neural simulator
ghemical A GNOME molecular modelling environment
gmt-doc-pdf PDF docs for the Generic Mapping Tools
gmt-tutorial-pdf Tutorial for the Generic Mapping Tools (PDF)
gmt-tutorial Data files needed to reproduce the tutorial examples of GMT
gmt Generic Mapping Tools
gperiodic periodic table application
gri a language for scientific illustration.
gstar a gtk front-end for the starchart program
hmmer models protein or nucleic acid sequences.
hodie prints the date in latin
kstars Desktop planetarium for KDE2
mayavi A scientific data visualization system.
mpqc The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry Program
ncbi-tools-bin NCBI libraries for biology applications (text-based utilities)
ncbi-tools-x11 NCBI libraries for biology applications (X-based utilities)
netcdf-bin Support programs for NetCDF.
netcdf-doc Documentation for NetCDF.
netcdf-perl A perl extension for accessing netCDF datasets.
netcdfg3 An interface for scientific data access.
njplot [Biology] A tree drawing program
openbabel Convert and manipulate chemical data files
proj Cartographic projection filter and library
rasmol molecule visualization and rendering
readseq [Biology] Conversion between sequence formats
rumba-manifold-demo Sample programs that use RUMBA brain imaging main library
rumba-utils RUMBA brain imaging utility programs
rumbaview RUMBA project brain imaging viewer
seesat5 a satellite location program
ssystem solar system flight simulator
starplot A 3-dimensional perspective star map viewer
tochnog A free implicit/explicit finite element analysis program
transcalc microwave and RF transmission line calculator
tree-puzzle [Biology] Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood
viewmol A graphical front end for computational chemistry programs.
vis5d-doc Documentation for the Vis5D visualization system
vis5d Visualizes data made by numerical weather models etc.
xbs 3-d models and movies of molecules
xdrawchem an open-source version of ChemDraw
xmakemol-gl A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
xmakemol A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
xtide-data Harmonics data for xtide
xtide provides tide and current predictions
All packages