
Section deb30/tex

Package Description
advi a DVI previewer and presenter written in Objective Caml
auctex An integrated environment for writing TeX/LaTeX documents.
bibindex Fast lookup in BibTeX bibliography data bases
bibtex2html BibTeX to HTML translator and BibTeX filter tool
bibtool-dev A library providing functions to deal with BibTeX files.
bibtool A tool for manipulating BibTeX data bases.
bibview X11 Bibliography database tool
catdvi DVI to plain text translator
chktex Finds typographic errors in LaTeX
cjk-latex A LaTeX macro package for CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean)
cttex Thai word separator for Thai TeTeX/LaTeX and HTML
dvi2dvi Tweak DVI files
dvi2ps-fontdata-a2n Font data to convert ptex's dvi file to jtex's dvi file.
dvi2ps-fontdata-bsr tfm files for bluesky research fonts.
dvi2ps-fontdata-ja Font data for dvi2ps-j and dvi2dvi.
dvi2ps-fontdata-n2a Font data to convert jtex's dvi file to ptex's dvi file.
dvi2ps-fontdata-ptexfake Fake ptex TFM files
dvi2ps-fontdata-rrs Font data of Richo LP5100 UX printer.
dvi2ps-fontdata-rsp Font data of Richo SP10 printer.
dvi2ps-fontdata-tbank Font data of Typebank font.
dvi2ps-fontdata-three Font data of Adobe Japanese fonts (futomin, futogo, jun101)
dvi2ps-fontdesc-morisawa5 fontdesc files of dvi2ps for Morisawa Basic-5 type faces
dvi2ps TeX DVI-driver for NTT jTeX, MulTeX and ASCII ptex.
dvidvi Manipulate .dvi files.
dvifb A dvi viewer for framebuffer devices
dvilib2 a portable DVI interpreter library - runtime
dvilx A dvi viewer for X
dvipdfm A DVI to PDF translator.
dvips-fontdata-n2bk Virtual font data to process dvi files generated by NTT-JTeX.
dvipsk-ja DVI-to-PostScript translator with Japanese support
dvisvga A dvi viewer for SVGAlib
dviutils Some DVI utilities
ethiop A LaTeX package for typesetting Ethiopian texts.
gbib user-friendly editor and browser for BibTeX databases
hbf-cns40-1 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 1) for CJK
hbf-cns40-2 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 2) for CJK
hbf-cns40-3 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 3) for CJK
hbf-cns40-4 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 4) for CJK
hbf-cns40-5 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 5) for CJK
hbf-cns40-6 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 6) for CJK
hbf-cns40-7 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (CNS plane 7) for CJK
hbf-cns40-b5 Chinese Fanti Song 40x40 bitmap font (Big5) for CJK
hbf-jfs56 Chinese Jianti Fangsong 56x56 bitmap font (GB2312) for CJK
hbf-kanji48 Japanese Kanji 48x48 bitmap font (JIS X-0208) for CJK
hevea A fast and powerful LaTeX to HTML translator
hlatex-fonts-base basic HLaTeX fonts files
hlatex-fonts-extra extra HLaTeX fonts files
hlatex LaTeX Korean support
hyperlatex Creating HTML using LaTeX documents.
hyphen-show Show hyphenations in DVI-files
ivritex Hebrew Package for the babel system and LaTeX2e
jadetex LaTeX macros for SGML to DVI/PS/PDF conversion with Jade
jbibtex-base make a bibliography for ASCII p(La)TeX / NTT j(La)TeX
jbibtex-bin make a bibliography for ASCII p(La)TeX / NTT j(La)TeX
jmpost Japanized MetaPost, a system for drawing pictures
jtex-base basic jTeX library files.
jtex-bin Japanese TeX (NTT version) and other japanese tex staffs.
ktexmaker2 LaTeX source editor, TeX shell and Gnuplot front end for KDE
lacheck A simple syntax checker for LaTeX.
latex2html LaTeX to HTML translator.
latex2rtf-doc convert from LaTeX to RTF format - documentation
latex2rtf convert from LaTeX to RTF format
libkpathsea-perl Perl interface to Kpathsea library and mktex* replacements
lilypond A program for printing sheet music.
lilypond1.3 Dummy package for transition to new stable lilypond.
makejvf generate VF file from japanese TeX TFM file for dvips
mfpic Define Tex/LaTeX commands to draw using metafont/metapost
multex-base basic MulTeX library files.
multex-bin Multilingual TeX
okumura-clsfiles Modified jclasses.dtx of ASCII pLaTeX.
pdfscreen Make PDF documents which are printable and readable on screen too
pktrace Converts Metafont fonts into Type1 fonts
preview-latex Render LaTeX equations etc. in an emacs buffer
prosper LaTeX class for writing transparencies
ptex-base basic ASCII pTeX library files
ptex-bin ASCII pTeX binary files
ptex-buildsupport Support files for building ASCII pTeX
ptex-jisfonts Provide an environment of jis.tfm and jisg.tfm for pTeX/dvips
pxfonts Palatino-likes fonts for TeX
rcs-latex LaTeX macro package for handling RCS keywords
revtex4 Documentclass for the journals of the American Physical Society
rtf2latex Convert RTF files to LaTeX
scalable-cyrfonts-tex scalable Cyrillic fonts for TeX
spawg a simple TeX DVI previewer with a simple GTK+ UI
spawx11 a simple TeX DVI previewer for X11
src2tex A converter from source program files to TeX format files
tetex-base basic teTeX library files
tetex-bin teTeX binary files
tetex-doc teTeX documentation
tetex-eurosym Euro symbol for LaTeX
tetex-extra extra teTeX library files
tetex-src teTeX texmf source files
tex-chess Chess fonts for TeX/LaTeX.
tex-guy miscellaneous utilities using DVIlib
tex4ht LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext (HTML)
texdoctk GUI for easier access of TeX package and program documentations
tfm-arphic-bkai00mp Arphic AR PL KaitiM Big5 TrueType font TeX font metric data
tfm-arphic-bsmi00lp Arphic AR PL Mingti2L Big5 TrueType font TeX font metric data
tfm-arphic-gbsn00lp Arphic AR PL SungtiL GB TrueType font TeX font metric data
tfm-arphic-gkai00mp Arphic AR PL KaitiM GB TrueType font TeX font metric data
thailatex Thai Latex package
tipa System for processing phonetic symbols in LaTeX
tk-brief GUI for easily writing letters with LaTeX
tkdvi A TeX DVI previewer based on Tcl/Tk
txfonts Times-likes font for TeX.
untex Remove LaTeX commands from input.
vfdata-morisawa5 Font files for Morisawa Basic-5 type faces for pTeX
vftool a tool to generate VF files for dvi2ps/dvi2dvi
whizzytex a WYSIWIG environment for LaTeX
xdvik-ja X-window TeX previewer using vflib2 for Japanese Characters.
xgdvi a TeX DVI previewer for X, with a nice GTK+ UI
xmltex TeX package for processing XML files
yatex Yet Another LaTeX mode
All packages